
About me

I currently work as a user researcher at Intrinsic. My previous user research roles include positions with Google Stadia and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

I earned a PhD in Psychology from the University of British Columbia, where I worked with Catharine Winstanley to study the neuroscience of risky decision making. I also enjoy photographing and writing about the natural world, and contribute words and photos to publications and outdoor brands.

My research interests generally revolve around understanding decision making and choice, and I enjoy experimental design and information visualization. During my PhD, I specialized in developing experiments to describe, examine and manipulate decision making, especially in the context of risk or uncertainty (such as gambling).


Here’s my LinkedIn.

And my resume.

And my publications., for the academics among us.

If you’re interested in photos of fish and mountains, rather than data and decision making, you can click through to my Instagram.